HAND IN HAND, a group show at DeBlois Gallery, features the paintings of Peter Dickison with the ceramic art work of Pell Award recipient, Charlene Carpenzano, along with a talented group of her ceramics students. Charlene is a faculty member at the Newport Art Museum, where Peter taught painting, drawing and portraiture for 13 years.
Charlene and Peter both originally hail from Barrington, RI. Charlene believes “Ceramics and fire touch a primitive instinct in all of us and is the basis for a sense of community and connection“. Peter thrived in that community as a painting and portraiture instructor in the adjacent studios of the museum school.
In this spirit the “ Hand In Hand “ Show includes the ceramic work of Carpenzano’s students from the clay studio at the Coleman Center at the Newport Art Museum. Rebecca Rex, student, says ” Our group of artists from R.I. and beyond are diverse in age, background, technique and creative vision. The glue that holds it together is friendship, support of experimentation and Charlene Carpenzano, encouraging each of us, with teaching techniques and sharing her wisdom and joy of the creative process”.
“ Peter’s inspiration ranges from architectural landscapes to the enchantment of a forest. He captures in oil paintings the timeless feeling of historical edifices and in his Petites Collection series, the simplicity and romance of a single flower.”

The show at the DeBlois Gallery on 134 Aquidneck Ave. Middletown, R.I. runs from October 3 through 25, 2020.
Gallery hours are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 PM, Monday and Wednesday 5-7 PM.